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SCHADS half-day training session

A neat desk, A search bar with a green search symbol. The words typed in the search bar read "SCHADFS... Help!" There's WorkPlacePLUS branding

The Social, Community, HomeCare and Disability Services Industry Award 2010 (MA000100) (SCHADS Award) details the rates of pay for each level and each pay point for employees working in the social and community services sector. Consisting of over 100 pages of terms and conditions, the SCHADS Award is one of Australia’s most complex modern awards to decipher and implement correctly.

As a disability and community care provider, it is important to keep track of your employer obligations under the SCHADS Award, to ensure that you are paying staff at least the minimum entitlements and mitigating the risk of a breach. The penalties for underpaying staff have never been higher, even if the infringement is an honest mistake.

Are you paying your staff the correct entitlements?

If you make a mistake interpreting and applying the SCHADS Award, you will be liable for back pay and a potential penalty. Read some recent cautionary tales >

Since 2022, WorkPlacePLUS has been delivering comprehensive comprehensive SCHADS Know Your Award training programs to organisations Australia-wide.

Our training facilitators are senior HR consultants with extensive experience interpreting the SCHADS Award and giving practical workplace relations advice to help you decipher and implement the Award correctly.




► SCHADS: Know Your Award (half-day training for individuals) – Deep dive into the SCHADS Award, including interpreting and applying the latest amendments and troubleshooting common SCHADS hotspots. 

This program for individuals is facilitated in a live, interactive online session, suitable for anyone who works with the SCHADS Award, including but not limited to business owners, HR professionals, payroll staff, roster teams and office managers in the healthcare, disability, aged care, not-for-profit, private practice and public sectors.


Dates open for individual registrations*:

  • 16 October 2024 - SOLD OUT

  • 23 October 2024 - SOLD OUT

* Some dates are tentative based on registration numbers.


► SCHADS: Know Your Award (half-day training for teams) - Upskill your team with a deep dive into the SCHADS Award, including interpreting and applying the latest amendments and troubleshooting common SCHADS hotspots. 

► Customised Enterprise Agreement Training (half-day training for teams). For example: Victorian Disability Services (NGO) Agreement 2023: Know Your EBA - ensure your HR, payroll, and office managers are up to date with changes to the Victorian Disability Services (NGO) Agreement and paying your staff their correct entitlements.

These programs for teams are facilitated onsite or online, scheduled at a time that suits your organisation. Suitable for all employers who use the SCHADS Award or a disability services enterprise agreement, including but not limited to disability, aged care, community and healthcare service providers. For bookings or more information, please contact us today.

Quote by NDS

Quote by Headway Gippsland

Quote by iThrive Health

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